

Bryce Cee

Software Engineer II

Hey! I'm Bryce, a Software Engineer with a knack for turning design ideas into awesome interactive user interfaces and experiences. I've been in the engineering game for over half a decade and counting, right now, I'm making things happen as a Software Engineer II at Microsoft.

My job? Building tools that make life easier for engineers so they can create kickass, user-friendly products. I thrive on the sweet spot where design meets functionality.


Software Engineer II at Microsoft East Africa, Kenya

April 2024 — Present

I still work as a Software Engineer 2 focused on improving the experience of other developers by building world-class tooling and improving the current workflows for better developer experience.

Technologies used: Typescript/JavaScript, Bash, Kusto, Azure DevOps.

Software Engineer at Microsoft East Africa, Kenya

March 2021 — April 2024

I currently work as a Software Engineer focused on improving the experience of other developers by building world-class tooling and improving the current workflows for better developer experience.

Technologies used: Typescript/JavaScript, Bash, Kusto, Azure DevOps.

Frontend Developer at Appy Apps, South Africa

February 2022 — October 2022

In this role, I worked on an offline first progressive web app.

Technologies used: React, Typescript, Redux.

Frontend Developer at Swing Development, South Africa

November 2020 — March 2021

In this role, I worked with a team to build OfColor, a financial platform that helps people of color in the U.S.A. to manage their finances.

Technologies used: React JS/Typescript.

Software Development Engineer at Techno Brain Group, Kenya

October 2019 — February 2021

Technologies used: React JS/Typescript, C#, PowerShell.


  • I migrated a monolithic application that used Angular JS on the front end to a microservice architecture that used ReactJS making the application scalable and developer-friendly. This in turn improved the rate of feature completion by ~40%.
  • Introduce git conventions to the team that helped improve workflows increasing efficiency in software development.

Full-stack Developer at RemoteMore, Berlin

February 2020 — July 2020

In this role, I worked with a team to build Compass, a product for ACELR8, a recruitment company based in Europe.

Technologies used: React JS/Typescript, Firebase.


  • I designed high-quality mock-ups for the product which impressed the client and were used to build the product we were working on.
  • I translated customer requirements and product goals into features and implemented them.
  • Optimized the web application and reduced load time by ~50%.
  • I introduced the team to the concept of constructive feedback which improved collaboration.

Software Engineer at Andela, Kenya

November 2018 — October 2019

Contributed to building Converge: An application for managing meeting rooms (bookings, resources, and usage) across Andela.

Technologies used: React JS, GraphQL, Apollo.


  • I contributed to successfully completing and launching the Andela Meeting Rooms Management tool (CONVERGE) within the stated period and below the budget. I was part of the front-end team using GraphQL and ReactJS.
  • While leading a team in Rwanda, I mentored and trained the team on both back-end and front-end development as well as other important software design concepts such as optimization, caching, and UX/UI design among others which enabled the team to launch a product they were working on, in 3 months rather than the 4 months estimated period.